About TirthNirdeshika.com

TirthNirdeshika.com is comprehensive online Tirth(Shrine) directory.

It acts as a facilitator for a person of every sector who is interested to visit place of pilgrimage, as tourist or as pilgrims to pay obeisance to the Holy Places or to celebrate their important days like Birthdays, marriage anniversary or any other occasion with their family and friends so that the children should get more accustomed with our traditions and values.

The main object of TirthNirdeshika.com is to promote sustainable development for benefits of pilgrimage and to provide guidance to the pilgrims.

We have tried to provide comprehensive details on
  • Tirth(Shrine) location
  • Phone numbers
  • Facilities available
  • Means of approach
  • Nearest cities
  • Importance of the tirth, and many other details.
We invite people to participate in this noble cause and help us to improve and provide more and more information for the benefit of pilgrims.

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